Sunday, July 7, 2024


This week was interesting. We considered the boundaries of social media while evaluating its reach for the assignment due. While my assignment is not done, I saw how some videos can have a much greater each than expected. They can catch currents of culture and discussion and have a life of their own. Moreover, I leanened how it is almost impossible to escape your phone. I think we are becoming a hive mind. 

We are losing the restrictions that give us definition. We are focusing on connection without introspection. Focusing on content without meaning. Focusing on reach over intimacy. Even though I have learned much from social media, it still does not seem worth it. It is still watering down meaning and purpose. It is still sacrificing substance for entertainment. 

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WEEK 10 Post

  The Evolution of a Knowledge-Sharing Platform When finishing my knowledge-sharing project, I noticed something interesting. On their About...