Sunday, July 21, 2024

Digital responsibility

 Digital Citizenship

The US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights states that there is a significant increase in teen use of social media. It also relays how the internet (Web 2.0 included) was essential during the pandemic. 

The interesting idea is that the younger generations consistently become more immersed in the online scene. They are more than just citizens; they are natives. Just like in regular geopolitical citizenship, our online presence is tied to our identity, in-group dynamics, and self-actualization. Just like IRL, citizens must be educated and bound by an underlying ethical and aesthetic ideal. However, we do not have an online constitution. We do not have online education. We do not have internet borders (except for North Korea, China, etc..). Shouldn`t we? If we do not adapt to the new trend of human development, we may have trouble creating  a safe and prosperous future for all. 

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