Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 1 Reflection.

What Happens When the Virtue Becomes Vice? 

I found the slides of the VoicThread interesting, especially the part about drinking from the hydrant (isn't that about Med School?) and Fake News. I think that social media has a good and an evil side. The good side is that it can connect people from all over the planet into communities that help them grow and feel fulfilled. However, it may also serve as a spying tool. More grievously, it can serve as a tool to spread the worst about us. But what happens when we think we are being educated but serve to spread vice? 

Fake News and Deception. 

We have all seen this over the last few years. The number of social media posts spreading lies about public figures and important events is staggering. While I think Hilary would actually eat babies, I don't think she is an actual witch like some Christians like to post about. Through fake news, we fall prey to social and psychological processes that cause us to spread or seek out news that confirms our biases and mindsets. Without any concern for the truth, we fall into intellectually lazyness and seek what feels right. 

We should treat social media like any other tool and use it for anthropogeny rather than be ruled by it. We must be its master rather than have it dominate our time and our minds. 

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WEEK 10 Post

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